“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.”

Henry Ford

We are proud to present ourselves as business people which empowers the business development and marketing strategies for Small and Medium Enterprises. We offer high-impact, innovative and well-rounded designs, tools and execution according to your branding needs and marketing goals with utmost professionalism and artistry. We work in synergy to leverage on our unique combination of marketing experience and digital expertise to deliver powerful and well-integrated services for your company. Our creative tank comprises a perfect blend of talented designers and diligent software and communication specialists for effective online presence.

In a very short duration, we have created new milestones that have become benchmark for the others. Our core pillars remains Innovation, Creativity, Passion and Diligence. Presently, we are working for various initiatives which are either our own or belong to our clients, partners, associates or advertisers from different industries. These initiatives are with our clientele from various fields like Wealth Management, Online Trading, Real Estate, Retail Loans, Investment Banking, Career Counseling, E learning, etc

M/s Camphor Solutions Private Limited, incorporated in July 2014, is an emerging company in the field of Consulting and execution related to business development and digital domain. The Company specializes in the building the Sales and marketing strategies along with online reputation management through proper content development. In today’s world, when communities has evolved up the curve, the genuine and interesting content only reaches the mass and that is something we always we strive for.

Who we are

Team behind Camphor Solutions Private Limited is the group of professional with zeal to make electronic and digital space more effective for businesses and individuals. With experience in Sales, marketing and product development along with expertise in digital marketing, it provides a comprehensive solution to its clients.

Sameer Kapoor (Director)

With more than 20 years of experience in Finance domain, he is the guiding light to the initiative. He is highly networked in the Industry and his experience helps in identify areas of customer engagement.

Meenakshi (Director)

Qualified as MBA, M.Com, she is very passionate about learning and development. She brings on board the new ideas, emerging trends and latest techniques about learning and education.

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