Effective Marketing Approach to Launch a New Product or Service

In the fast changing technologies, businesses are consistently working to keep themselves ahead in the market. Launching a new product or the services in the market will be fruitful if its introduction serves the requirement of your customers effectively. The basic objective of any product or the services is to fulfill the requirement of the...

How you can become a famous YouTuber

Youtube has become one of the most viewed channel with lots of content published by millions of subscribers. For the month of June 2020, it crossed a traffic of 31 billion views and ranked 2nd, i.e. just after google.com. With option of building Subscribers and sending notifications, Youtubers are building their channels as property with...

6 Distinct Customer Segments for Marketing of Financial Products

Segmentation of the customers is an initial and important part of digital or any other type of marketing Campaigns. Whenever you classify your customers or target audience in different segments as per their common behavior and attributes, your work becomes easier. Grouping or Clustering of the customers on the basis of demographics only does not...

Effective Marketing Strategies for Financial Advisors in India

In last couple of years, I came across various Individual Financial Advisors, Wealth Management Companies and various other Financial businesses. While few of them has kept the new business developments on the back burner while other are doing it very well. The method or techniques adopted by them purely depends upon the product and customer...

How to develop a Strong USP of your financial business   

USP or the (Unique Selling Point) is that concept in marketing which can speed up your business growth in a small span of time. Now the matter of fact is how you can use this concept to develop your marketing strategy. Today the competition in entire financial industry is very stiff, be it Stock Broking,...

5 Secrets for effective lead generation for Financial Products

Almost every financial organization is engaged in lead generation. While most of the methods are somehow working but reaching the best output remains a distant dream. The increasing costs of lead generation along with increasing complexities in digital marketing are negatively impacting the ROI of any business development initiative. Today, Let me share few secrets...

5 Effective Digital Strategies to grow Wealth Management Business

Often, I come across Wealth Managers who firmly believes that their Digital presence means just their websites. They are normally ‘die hard believers’ that Digital presence means website which will act as a showcase and in a rare case may contribute to their real business. Normally, it is given to understand that the focus should...

Importance of Digital Interface for Financial Business

Imagine !!! You are looking to invest some of your money and number of options comes to your mind. To check out these options, the first thing that you will do, is to google it.Yes, it is true that people looks for solutions on internet, even before talking to their own family members.So as a...
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