
Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.

Warren Buffet

360 degree Digital Marketing Plans for Startups

Start Evolve Scale Stellar Mega
Monthly charges (in Rs./month) 20,000 40,000 100,000 200,000 500,000
Inclusive of Media budget upto Rs. 5,000/- incl taxes upto Rs. 10,000/- incl taxes upto Rs. 40,000/- incl taxes upto Rs. 100,000/- incl taxes upto Rs. 300,000/- incl taxes
Website optimization
Deliberation on business objectives Once a month Twice a month Twice a month Once a week Once a week
Deliberation on Proposition Once a month Twice a month Twice a month Once a week Once a week
Website Technical Review Once a month Twice a month Twice a month Once a week Once a week
Competition Analysis Once a month Twice a month Twice a month Once a week Once a week
Review of lead flow journey Once a month Twice a month Twice a month Once a week Once a week
Search Engine Optimization
No. of target keywords No limit No limit No limit No limit No limit
Google Analytics integration Y Y Y Y Y
Search console integration Y Y Y Y Y
XML Sitemap submission Y Y Y Y Y
Homepage optimisation Y Y Y Y Y
Product pages optimizaton N N upto 10 pages upto 20 pages As required
Blog section optimization N N upto 10 blogs upto 20 blogs As required
External Link building N N 500 1000 2000
AMP optimization N Y Y Y Y
Play store optimization N N N N Y
App store optimization N N N N Y
Content Creation
Blog writing N N 10,000 words 20,000 words 40,000 words
festival greetings images 2 per month 2 per month 2 per month 2 per month 2 per month
Other marketing images 2 per month 2 per month 4 per month 4 per month 4 per month
Engagement creatives 6 per month 10 per month 20 per month 20 per month 20 per month
Video editing N upto 2 upto 5 upto 5 upto 5
Social Media
Facebook page management Y Y Y Y Y
Instagram channel management Y Y Y Y Y
Twitter handle management Y Y Y Y Y
Linkedin page management N Y Y Y Y
Whatsapp Channel management N N Y Y Y
Youtube Channel management N N Y Y Y
Pinterest N N N Y Y
Quora N N N N Y
Business Promotion / Lead generation
Media Budget upto Rs. 10,000/- incl taxes upto Rs. 20,000/- incl taxes upto Rs. 50,000/- incl taxes upto Rs. 100,000/- incl taxes upto Rs. 300,000/- incl taxes
Campaign Management Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Static Ad Creation Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Video Ad creation No No Yes Yes Yes
landing pages creation No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Increase followers on Social Media Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Lead generation Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Review & MIS
MIS Monthly Bi monthly Weekly Weekly Weekly
Review of entire activity Once a month Once a month Twice a month Once a week Once a week
* Plans & Pricing are subject to change at management discretion.
* Logo design, Website design, Photography, Videography or any other work not include above will be charged extra.
* Separate Enterprise plans for SEO, SMO and Paid Marketing also available.

SEO + Content Plans

Evolve Scale Stellar Mega
Monthly charges (in Rs./month) 40,000 80,000 160,000 Enterprise
Website optimization
Deliberation on business objectives Weekly Weekly Weekly Lets Discuss
Deliberation on Proposition Weekly Weekly Weekly
Website Technical Review Monthly Monthly Monthly
Competition Analysis Monthly Monthly Monthly
Review of lead flow journey Monthly Monthly Monthly
Search Engine Optimization
No. of target keywords No limit No limit No limit Lets Discuss
Google Analytics integration Y Y Y
Search console integration Y Y Y
XML Sitemap submission Y Y Y
Homepage optimisation Y Y Y
Product pages optimizaton upto 5 pages upto 10 pages upto 20 pages
Blog section optimization upto 5 blogs upto 10 blogs upto 20 blogs
External Link building 400 1000 2000
AMP optimization (for mobile searchs) Y Y Y
Youtube Channel optimization N N Y
Play store optimization N N N
App store optimization N N N
Content Creation
Blog writing 10,000 words 20,000 words 40,000 words Lets discuss
BLog creatives 10 per month 20 per month 20 per month
Video editing N N upto 2
Review & MIS
MIS Weekly Weekly Weekly Weekly
Review of entire activity Once a month Twice a month Once a week Once a week
* Plans & Pricing are subject to change at management discretion.
* Logo design, Website design, Photography, Videography or any other work not include above will be charged extra.
* Separate Enterprise plans for SEO, SMO and Paid Marketing also available.

Social Media Engagement Plans

Evolve Scale Stellar Mega
Monthly charges (in Rs./month) 40,000 80,000 120,000 Enterprise
Inclusive of Media budget upto Rs. 5,000/- incl taxes upto Rs. 10,000/- incl taxes upto Rs. 20,000/- incl taxes Lets discuss
Content Creation
festival greetings images 2 per month 2 per month 2 per month Lets discuss
Other marketing images 2 per month 4 per month 10 per month
Engagement creatives 10 per month 20 per month 20 per month
Video editing upto 2 upto 5 upto 10
Social Media
Facebook page management Y Y Y Lets discuss
Instagram channel management Y Y Y
Twitter handle management Y Y Y
Linkedin page management Y Y Y
Whatsapp Channel management N Y Y
Youtube Channel management N Y Y
Pinterest N N Y
Quora N N N
Business Promotion / Lead generation
Media Budget upto Rs. 5,000/- incl taxes upto Rs. 10,000/- incl taxes upto Rs. 20,000/- incl taxes Lets discuss
Campaign Management Yes Yes Yes
Static Ad Creation Yes Yes Yes
Increase followers on Social Media Yes Yes Yes
Review & MIS
MIS Bi monthly Weekly Weekly Weekly
Review of entire activity Once a month Twice a month Once a week Once a week
* Plans & Pricing are subject to change at management discretion.
* Logo design, Website design, Photography, Videography or any other work not include above will be charged extra.

Paid Campaigns/Lead generation Plans

Evolve Scale Stellar Mega
Monthly charges (in Rs./month) 40,000 80,000 120,000 20% of budget
Media budget upto Rs. 1 lacs upto Rs. 3 lacs upto Rs. 6 lacs Above 6 lacs
Website optimization
Deliberation on business objectives Weekly Weekly Weekly Weekly
Deliberation on Proposition Weekly Weekly Weekly Weekly
Website Technical Review Weekly Weekly Weekly Weekly
Competition Analysis Weekly Weekly Weekly Weekly
Review of lead flow journey Weekly Weekly Weekly Weekly
Business Promotion / Lead generation
Media Budget upto Rs. 1 lacs upto Rs. 3 lacs upto Rs. 6 lacs Above 6 lacs
Campaign Management Yes Yes Yes Yes
Static Ad Creation Yes Yes Yes Yes
Video Ad creation No Yes Yes Yes
landing pages creation Yes Yes Yes Yes
Increase followers on Social Media Yes Yes Yes Yes
Lead generation Yes Yes Yes Yes
Review & MIS
MIS Weekly Weekly Weekly Weekly
Review of entire activity Weekly Weekly Weekly Weekly
* Plans & Pricing are subject to change at management discretion.