“Business has only two functions – Innovation and Marketing”

Milan Kundera

Website Design for Chartered Accountants

Impactful Online presence for experienced CA professionals

Website design for Chartered Accountants is not a choice anymore, rather a necessity. With increasing number of Small and Medium business firms and companies, the demand for Chartered Accountants (CAs) are consistently increasing. CA or Auditor of a company not not maintain the books of accounts but also audit the accounts of business as regulatory process requirements.

We offer a Online website and Mobile App for Individual Chartered Accountants or CA firms. As we understand, the expectations of a Chartered Accountants from a website revolves around a visibility, convenience and query generation platform. Also, being a guide and advisor to the clients on various tax related matters, engagement of customers remains a primary objective for convenient query resolution.

After calibrating the expectations, we have come up with our offering which will not only make a solid presence on the Online space but also help in servicing customer and resolving queries without any hassles.

Get all this for just Rs.5000/ month

Platform Features

  • Responsive Website compatible with Laptop, Tablet and Mobile.
  • CMS based website with Homepage and upto 10 pages customization as per your requirements
  • Hierarchy – Administrator, Author and Subscriber login rights
  • Access control for each content post
  • Post Blog without access control
  • Supported content formats : Video, images, PDF files or text content
  • Other tools : Customer risk profiler, Basic Calculators, News aggregator
  • Customer care form integrated with email
  • Back office linking
  • Email and Whatsapp integration
  • Discussion forum (optional at extra cost)
  • E learning module (optional at extra cost)
  • Cloud hosting with SSL

Social Media pages  creation, maintenance and their Integration with Website

Festival greetings/ product banners upto 12 per annum

Search Engine Optimization along with Maintaining webmaster and analytics

Integration of auto-mailer for subscribers

Subscriber data Insights

Digital Marketing

Lead generation

All these services are available at additional cost.

Active and Passive promotion of business across digital channels

Discount Campaigns & coupon code for promotional offers

Promotional activities for building Marketing Partners/ Affiliates / Franchisee

Lead generation Campaigns through emails/sms/social media and search engines

Interested !! Please enter your details and we will get in touch with you.

Contact Us

If you are a Chartered Accountant and looking forward to have a website, then it is the right time and right place. We are the experienced players for website design for Chartered Accountant (CA) in India. We build responsive websites that are laptop, tablet and mobile friendly and give a smooth surfing experience for your visitors.

Important points to be kept in mind while designing the website for Chartered Accountants CA

It is now an essential part of working as an independent CA professional or even as CA firm. Existing and potential clients look forward to website for not only for showcasing service and experience however also for various other operational works like due date reminders, circulating information or even query resolution.

Although there is no prescribed norms for website design for chartered accountants however professional and intuitive design gives a good impression to visitors.

The Marketing activity of Chartered Accountant services are not allowed so all emphasis should be on pulling the clients and educating them about the best practices. While designing website for Chartered Accountants (CA), one should keep in mind that any professional CA website cannot display any type of advertisements. They can always mention their website address in professional stationery.

Normally following pages/section are part of website design for any CA website

About us : This contains the information about the professional or CA firm along with their experience and specialization. The Leadership section contains the images and profile of the key people that help the visitors to understand the organization structure and relevant touch points.

Services Offered : Most common query for any existing and potential clients remains the offering of service that is required by their business. This section specifies the list of services along with necessary details that a CA professional or CA firm offers.

Contact us : This section contains the Name, address and contact details of the CA professional or CA firm. It also contains the form for any enquiry submission specifically asking name, contact number, email and relevant query. Apart from this it contains the  location on the google maps.

Careers: Professional are always looking forward to employ more individuals. The career section provide the space for exhibiting the jobs or internship requirements in the firm and seeking response from the people interested.

Blog Section : Blog section, along with integration with email service provider, provide an avenue to circulate information and latest updates among the subscribers of the company. These subscriber amy be existing clients or employees or people in professional network or even the potential clients.

News Roundup Section : This section cumulates the new form various sources and display subject-wise on the single page of website. People looking for different news find it very useful as they don’t have to search google again and again to find the news of their interest.

Tools and Calculators : The website equipped with various calculators and profiler gives an additional edge in showcasing professionalism. Not only this, it bring ease while making various calculations which are required in day to day financial activities.

Chartered Accountants in the internship stage or training are not allowed to use a logo on their websites. However Members of ICAI are allowed to post blogs or videos containing information related to compliance and other relevant topics.

The search engine should be restricted. The search query listing should be restricted only to the field given as  “Chartered Accountants” or “CA” or “Indian CA”, “Indian CPA”, and “Indian Chartered Accountant”.

Any website design for the professional CA or CA firm must follow the guidelines prescribed by ICAI and requires the vetting by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI). Any kind of promotional activities like discount offers, promotional schemes or advertisement of professional achievement is not allowed in any website design for professional CA or CA firm. In case of any violation of the prescribed guidelines, actions may be initiated in accordance to the rules of the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949 and the Regulations framed thereunder.

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